Sunday, June 2, 2013

calabash-android Gestures Steps

Gestures Steps

To swipe left 
Then /^I swipe left$/

To swipe right
Then /^I swipe right$/

To scroll down
Then /^I scroll down$/

To scroll up
Then /^I scroll up$/

To open the menu and press the specified text
Then /^I select "([^\"]*)" from the menu$/

To drag from one point on the screen to another.
Then /^I drag from (\d+):(\d+) to (\d+):(\d+) moving with (\d+) steps$/ 

Note: x:y co-ordinates are expressed as percentages of the screen width:height


1 comment:

  1. Can you let me know how do we find the X,Y coordinates of an element in the native app ?
