Saturday, May 18, 2013

Usefull Commands

1. To Start emulator from command prompt :
emulator @yourAvdName

2. To Run a specified feature file :
calabash-android run <your_apk_file>.apk features/<feature_1>.feature  

3. To Generate HTML Report
calabash-android run <your_apk_file>.apk --format html --out test_report.html

4. command to know the installed calabash\cucumber gem version
gem list calabash-android
gem list calabash-cucumber


  1. bad one too for me

  2. Appreciate your comments. I am still in learning phase and whatever i feel - could be helpful is posted here. The list may grow as i mature in the process of learning.I would like to get your help to make this better. In case -

  3. Can you please tell me the way how to get all locators from calabash android console page wise. Because when we run the command query("*") it is displayed all the locators but some locators are not shown on console due to cmd (page size) is limited.

  4. May I know what is the tool that you are using to find the properties of elements in the mobile native app ?
